
Father Chibe Ofor. JOY UNSTOPPABLE!

JOY UNSTOPPABLE!  Beatitude speaks of that inner joy which shines through tears and pains. Here is an internal joy which sorrow and loss, pain and grief are powerless to touch. Nothing in life and death can take away such joy.
Beyond change in fortune, collapse of health, failure of a plan, disappointment of an ambition, even change in weather, the beatitude is a serene and untouched joy, which comes from walking forever in the company and presence of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the source of this joy.
Among the blessed ones that posses this inner joy are the poor in spirit. These are those who realized their utter helplessness and have put their whole trust in God. The mournful equally share in this inner joy because their hearts are broken for the world’s suffering and for their own sinfulness. In their mourning for their sin and compassion for suffering humanity, they discover a lasting consolation that comes from the Holy Spirit.
The Meek partakes of this inner joy. These are those who control their instincts, impulse and passion by God’s grace and who realize their ignorance and weakness before God. Such men are Kings among men. As a starving man longs for food and a thirsty man, for water, so those who long for righteousness are possessors of this inner joy. This deep joy from the Holy Spirit satisfies them.
Those who are merciful enough to share other people’s tears and joy share in this joy and mercy that come from the Holy Spirit. For those motives are clear, whose hearts and minds are clean, they partake of this joy because they will perceive the pure God within them. The peacemakers who bring men together are partakers of this joy because their attitudes depict them as children of God. The sufferers for Christ are not left out in this lasting joy. I can see you joyous unstoppably this day!


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